Hello! I'm

Zi-Yan Liu

Zi-Yan Liu

I am currently a second-year master's student specializing in robotics at the University of Pennsylvania, under the guidance of Kostas Daniilidis at the GRASP lab.
My research interests are in the area of 3D computer vision, tracking, human pose estimation and event camera. Prior to this, I worked as a software intern at InstAI located in SanJose and gained experience as a software intern at Tron Future Technology.

Download CV

Zi-Yan Liu


  • M.S. in Robotics, University of Pennsylvania, PA, US. (2023~Present)
  • B.S. in Interdisciplinary Program of Engineering(IPE), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. (2016/09~2021/02)

  • Research Interests

    Robotics, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Self-supervised Learning, Tracking and 3D Reconstruction

    Professional Skills

    Python, C/C++
    Deep Learning Frame Work:
    Robot Operating System, Gazebo
    Computer Vision:
    OpenCV, Open3D, Point Cloud Library
    Mathematic Tools:
    Matlab, Numpy
    Embedded board:
    NVIDIA Jetson (Xavier, TX2, Nano), Raspberry PI(3B, 3B+)
    Inventor, AutoCAD, SolidWorks



  • C.-L. Lu, Z.-Y. Liu, J.-T. Huang, C.-I Huang, B.-H. Wang, Y. Chen, N.-H. Wu, H.-C. Wang, L. Giarré, P.-Y. Kuo.
    Assistive Navigation using DeepReinforcement Learning Guiding Robot with UWB/Voice Beacons and Semantic Feedbacksfor Blind and Visually Impaired People”
    paper Field Robotics - Frontier in Robotics and AI. 2021
  • C.-L Lu*, J.-T. Huang*, C.-I Huang, Z.-Y. Liu, C.-C. Hsu, Y.-Y. Huang, S.-C. Huang, P.-K. Chang, Z. L. Ewe, P.-J. Huang, P.-L. Li, B.-H. Wang, L.-S. Yim, S.-W. Huang, M.-S Bai, H.-C. Wang, (*Equal Contribution)
    “A Heterogeneous Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Blimp Robot Team for Search and Rescue using Data-driven Autonomy and Communication-aware Navigation”
    preprint Field Robotics - Special Issue: Advancements and lessons learned during Phase I & II of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. 2021